Saving Native Species in Wellington National Park

Wellington National Park is home to a wide diversity of native wildlife including the chuditch, quokka and the western ringtail possum, all of which are under threat of extinction.

One of the biggest threats to their ongoing survival in the park is the presence of introduced species such as foxes, feral cats and feral pigs which prey on wildlife and destroy their habitat.

Leschenault Catchment Council and South West NRM, with on-ground support from the Leschenault Biosecurity Group, have joined forces in a collaborative project to specifically target and control populations of feral pigs, feral cats, and foxes on properties proximal to the southern boundary of the Wellington National Park.

By reducing the numbers of these invasive predators, we can better protect our native wildlife.

Participation for eligible landholders is free, thanks to grant funding from the Australian Government’s Saving Native Species Program.

If you own or manage land close to the southern boundary of the Wellington National Park, join us in safeguarding our native species and on-going biodiversity in this beautiful and unique area.

The program will run between July 2024 and November 2025 and is being delivered via funding from the Australian Government Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water’s ‘Saving Native Species’ Program.

Participating landholders receive:

  • Property assessment by ecologists to identify biodiversity values and associated threats;

  • Bush management advice;

  • Provision and set-up of two remote cameras for monitoring;

  • Feral animal control (based on property assessment and landholder capabilities) by licenced pest technician;

  • Feral animal control training via special events;

  • Project wrap-up event to explore results and learnings, and discuss ongoing feral animal control measures

Eligibility Criteria

  • Location: must own or manage land close to the southern boundary of the Wellington National Park expansion area.

  • Commitment to Conservation: interest in protecting native species and contributing to local biodiversity efforts and willingness to continue on-going invasive species control efforts as applicable beyond this program.

  • Availability and Land Access for Program Activities: willingness to participate in and/or provide access for scheduled invasive species control activities including trapping, baiting and/or shooting.

  • Ability to adhere to program guidelines and best practices for invasive species management.

Register your interest by contacting:

Jess Forsyth, Project Officer

Leschenault Catchment Council

0428 990 299

This project received grant funding from the Australian Government Saving Native Species Program.