Preston River Foreshore Revitalisation Project
The Preston River Foreshore in Donnybrook has undergone substantial environmental degradation over time, yet continues to provide significant environmental, cultural and recreational values to the community and the river ecosystem.
The Preston River Foreshore in Donnybrook has undergone substantial environmental degradation over time, yet continues to provide significant environmental, cultural and recreational values to the community and the river ecosystem.
In 2021, the LCC received a Small Community Stewardship Grant to fund a project in revitalising this area. The funding provided a great opportunity to identify key issues in the area and saw the production of a management plan, the commencement of weed control and revegetation works along the foreshore and engaged the local community throughout the process. Late in 2022, the LCC were successful in receiving a further State NRM Community Stewardship Grant to continue the Preston River Foreshore Revitalisation project to the value of $34,446. This money was funded by the State NRM grant with matched in-kind and on-ground funding from Greening Australia, the Shire of Donnybrook-Balingup and the South West Catchments Council.
The grant will see the continuation of the community engagement and foreshore revitalisation project, in collaboration with the Shire of Donnybrook-Balingup and the Donnybrook Lions. The LCC will be assisting with further weed management and revegetation to restore native habitat for biodiversity and erosion control, as well as see the establishment of a community action group to assist with long-term management of the area. The work commences February 2023 for 18 months until August 2024.
The continuation of the project provides new opportunities for fun, engaging workshops and environmental education events on the foreshore to encourage this proactive community to continue to be involved in restoring the river for the future. If you would like to be involved in joining the community action group, please email reception@leschenaultcc.org.au
A healthy foreshore and river system leads to a healthy catchment.

This project is supported by the Western Australian Government’s State NRM Program, and support from the Shire of Donnybrook-Balingup and the Donnybrook Lions Club.